Well. we've been sooooo busy. I am really realizing the importance of a simple schedule. I recently came up with the ideal schedule and I am working to make it happen next year. As for now, we are busy with the regular stuff and the extras we are "managing".
Through much.....of everything we found a math cirriculum that works for us! We also found a nice science series and experiment book that seem to work well for all. Lauren finished the primer level in piano and is blazing through level one. Jacob is writing his name nicely and picking up much from Lauren's work. As for Jeremy, he still isn't talking but we realized he knows his letters. We have several toys that identify letters and one evening he was holding a toy and saying "T", it happened to be a "T"! So I spread out a bunch of letters and was asking for him to give them to me and he got them all. I see Mensa in our future.
As most of you know, I am active with the Ron Paul movement and my local group has been asked by the congressional campaign to help (since many of us live in the 14th district). It has been exciting and the kids love helping. We went to a rally in Lake Jackson, canvassed neighborhoods (when it is just Lauren and me we drop literature at about 100 houses an hour, when it's just me, I do about 100 houses an hour :) ) and learned to make huge banners from a grassroots expert. The kids loved the rally because they got to sign an RV and the sign making! You don't get this kind of civics in school!
We finally got a new camera. Ours died around Christmas and I've been using the camera on the camcorder. It's a great camcorder but I need all the help I can get. We ended up with a Canon Powershot SD 750 Elph. It has a lot of neat features (still don't know them all) and is about all I can handle.
Here are a few photos: